• A year of simple Occupational Therapy inspired monthly prescription of activities intended to support wellbeing that you are invited to spend as little, or as often as you like on.

    A Wellbeing Invitation

  • How we spend our moments, is how we spend our days, which is in turn how we will spend our lives.

    Josephine Dolan-Dufourd

  • “I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.”

    Elsie de Wolfe

January’s Wellbeing Invitation

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein

Hopes, values and meaning are this months theme as we transition into a new year.

Details of this months prescription of activities, the resources and video can be found here.

“Find ecstasy in life: the mere sense of living is joy enough.”

Emily Dickinson

Take time to care for yourself and reflect with February’s Wellbeing Invitation.

Details of this months prescription of activities can be found here.

“I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship.” Louisa May Alcott

How are you sailing your ship on a day to day basis are a focus for March’s Wellbeing Invitation.

Details of this months prescription of activities can be found here.

“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything” - William Shakespeare

Spring forward with an exploration of your values, create a collage for the pleasure of it and meditate to build resilience with April’s Wellbeing Invitation.

Details of this months prescription of activities and links to resources can be found here, and a recording here

“The smell of moist earth and lilacs hung in the air like wisps of the past and hints of the future” .

- Margaret Millar

Morning routines and fresh cut flowers are the focus of this months Wellbeing Invitation.

The recording with guidance can be found here and the slides and links to resources here.

A Wellbeing Invitation for June.

A journey exploring the beauty of life through the intentional use of time through carefully curated activities that are intended to inspire, nourish, challenge, soothe and enrich some of the moments of your month.

Details of the invitation can be found here and the video review for the month can be found clicking on the button below.

A Wellbeing Invitation for July.

We continue our journey exploring the beauty of life through the intentional use of time through carefully curated activities that are intended to inspire, nourish, challenge, soothe and enrich some of the moments of your month. A simple Occupational Therapy inspired prescription of activities intended to support wellbeing that you are invited to spend as little, or as often as you like on.

Details of the invitation, resources and video can be found here.

A Wellbeing Invitation for August.

This months invitation is a to commit to taking time to still our days of their busyness to bring quietness to our routines, giving our nervous systems a chance to regain balance. Let’s embrace boredom and do nothing.

Details of the invitation, resources and video can be found here.

A Wellbeing Invitation for September.

A back to school flavour for September's Wellbeing Invitation. We’ll be restoring a bit of order building whilst supporting our ability to manage the inevitable chaos with creating nourishing routines.

Details of the invitation, resources and video can be found here.

A Wellbeing Invitation for October.

Cultivating and building the mental muscle of gratitude, clearing some space and exploring transitions as we dive into autumn..

Details of the invitation, resources and video can be found here.

A Wellbeing Invitation for November & December.

This month we are soothing and nourishing our senses, taking time to prepare ourselves for the festive season ahead.

Details of the invitation, resources and video can be found here.


Wellbeing Prescriptions


Mini Retreats