Our Services

  • Get LOUD! Stay LOUD!

    Get LOUD! Stay LOUD! is the world’s only Parkinson’s specific online speech exercise program dedicated to supporting and motivating individuals with PD to stay DILIGENT with their daily voice and speech practice to maintain optimal communication and swallowing function. I am the teams Occupational Therapist and run a Cultivating Cognition where we explore cognitive therapy exercises that maintain and develop cognitive functioning, and a mindfulness class. It’s such a welcoming and fun community to be a part of.

    For a free month trial click HERE.

  • Individual Wellbeing Atelier

    Moving beyond the label of having a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, together we can explore how your wellbeing is being affected as an individual and create a tailor made intervention programme to support you to take care of your own health and wellbeing.


Mindfulness for Wellbeing Six Session


Free Audio Meditations