
Learn your body’s language, listen and pay attention to its needs.

Fridays 9-10 am CET or in your own time via the live recordings

Drawing on the clinical tools of Mindfulness Based Approaches and Compassion Focused Therapy these classes are designed to build psychological flexibility, increase emotional resilience and sharpen your perspective-taking skills.  You will be empowered to momentarily step back from your narrative and connect with a broader viewpoint, offering fresh insights into your experiences, a journey of self-discovery and mental growth.

Your breath and body can become reliable anchors, facilitating an easy return to focus amidst distractions or life's demands. Through these transformative practices, you can uncover the possibilities of finding mental calm—a reservoir of composure and resilience, equipping you to gracefully navigate life's trials.

If anyone is wondering how this all works, it's a really powerful way of feeding your unconscious mind with messages of calm and security. My whole life has been changed by this method. Can't recommend enough.

- Katie

The Atelier

Part One

We begin the practice of stepping out of the habitual doing mode by paying attention, intentionally, mindfully, and compassionately, to sensations of the body and aspects of everyday experiences. Whilst sessions often offer an immediate sense of relaxation and calm in the long term over time you build new neural pathways that have a cumulative effect and it is often months later under extreme stress that we notice the positive side effects of this intervention.

Part Two

We then move into an activity-based meditation of taking tea together, resting in our senses and modelling to ourselves how we can capture this present moment awareness within the simple activities of daily living. We then move into a period of reflection, an opportunity to share in the practice and rest in quiet reflection together or journal (for those unable to attend lives sessions 1:1 support is available).

Part Three

To close you will be introduced to a mindful companion-based practice which you are encouraged to try out over the coming week.

“As someone with a complex medical history learning to meditate under the care of a qualified healthcare professional allowed me to feel safe and fully benefit from the healing potential of these mindfulness practices.” - JM

2023-2024 Term dates

This clinical wellbeing tool offers a cumulative effect so highly recommended to sign up for a full term to observe the benefits, as little as six sessions have been shown to develop new neural pathways, with 12 weeks being a gold standard.

15€ per session or 12.50€ if booked as a block

Peace of mind that you’re undertaking this delicate work with a deeply human, registered, licensed and insured healthcare professional is, quite frankly, priceless.

2024-2025 Term dates

  1. 26th of April - 5th of July 2024 (10 sessions one week break 24th May) Theme Contentment - we'll dive deep into the science of satisfaction, build new neural pathways and uncover some simple home practices to savour the richness of our existing lives.

  2. 6th of September - 20th of December (14 sessions two week break 25th October and 1st November)

  3. 10th January to 11th April (12 sessions two week break 21st and 28th February)

  4. 2nd of May to 4th July (10 sessions)

  5. Back 5th September

Each session is recorded and available for replay, for those who sign up per term you will have access to the following meditation series:

  • The company we keep

  • Mind & Body integration

  • Winter series

  • Summer time series

  • Six week classic mindfulness

  • Mindful compassion series

Each week we will build on the practices and committing to a weekly session allows you to maximise the benefits of the techniques, and allows for consistency of social contact and support.

The class may not be suitable for those who are currently severely depressed, or experiencing acute stress or anxiety, please reach out if you feel you fit in that category and we can discuss options.


Occupational Therapy